Find the books you want, from other students. Or find nearby students who want the books you no longer need. Were a free, student-to-student textbook marketplace.
Using BookCheetah:
1. REGISTER: Sign up for a free account. Just need a name, email, and school.
2. SEARCH: Find the books you need for upcoming classes and add them to your wishlist.
3. POST: Add your old books for sale on your bookshelf. You set the price.
4. MEET: Set up a time and place to exchange cash for books.
Why BookCheetah?
Free = Free accounts, free to use. Simple enough.
Student-to-student = no ridiculous bookstore prices and you set your selling price. Money stays with fellow students-- not some faceless bookstore owner.
No shipping = Quicker, cheaper, and greener.
Do good = If we help to save you money, donate to keep us free! Then decide how ten percent of all BookCheetah proceeds is spent: the Cheetah Conservation Fund, Teach For America or the student government of your school.
Will you join our movement to support students?